Nowa Ruda, ul. Srebrna 1a - Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection

Detailed information about the station: Nowa Ruda , ul. Srebrna 1a

General information
Country code DsNowRudSreb
International code PL0191A
Zone strefa dolnośląska
Station name Nowa Ruda - Srebrna
Address Nowa Ruda , ul. Srebrna 1a
Wsp. WGS84 Φ 50.579914
λ 16.514422
Detailed information
Wsp. PUWG1992 x: 304378.42
y: 324081.24
Date of starting measurement Jan 1, 2011
Altitude 403 m
Status Offline
Type of station
Type of area
Owner Wojewódzki Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska we Wrocławiu
Measurement sites
Pollution Averaging time Type of measurement