You can view and download the data free of charge. The rules for using the information provided on the website are set out in the Terms of Use.
Some of the data provided via the search engine is not yet verified and may change in the future as a result of verification process

  1. Specify search parameters. You do not have to fill in all selection parameters – “Voivodeship” and “Functioning status” filters are optional. By leaving the selection list empty, all possible options are taken into account by default. Mandatory filters: “Deposition type”, “Averaging time”, “Indicator type” and “Indicator”. By selecting the first filters, the selection in the “Indicator” filter is automatically narrowed. Select the time range of the searched data. For efficiency reasons, the maximum time span of a single search is three years. If the search does not return a result, it means that no measurement data meets the selected criteria. Click on the “Search” button.
  2. In the list of measurement sites that meet the search criteria, select the data series you are interested in by ticking the marker next to them on the left-hand side of the list.
  3. Choose the method of viewing the data. You can view the data as a chart or table or generate a downloadable file.

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