Mszana Dolna, Orkana - Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection

Detailed information about the station: Mszana Dolna , Orkana

General information
Country code MpMszanaDoln
International code PL0784A
Zone strefa małopolska
Station name Mszana Dolna ul. Orkana
Address Mszana Dolna , Orkana
Wsp. WGS84 Φ 49.672225
λ 20.083092
Detailed information
Wsp. PUWG1992 x: 201099.87
y: 578124.28
Date of starting measurement Jan 1, 2021
Altitude 350 m
Status Offline
Type of station
Type of area
Owner Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska
Measurement sites
Pollution Averaging time Type of measurement