Łeba, ul. Rąbka 1a - Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection

Detailed information about the station: Łeba , ul. Rąbka 1a

General information
Country code PmLebaRabka1
International code PL0004R
Zone strefa pomorska
Station name Łeba, IMGW
Address Łeba , ul. Rąbka 1a
Wsp. WGS84 Φ 54.754139
λ 17.534528
Detailed information
Wsp. PUWG1992 x: 405715.29
y: 766596.68
Date of starting measurement Jan 1, 2000
Altitude 2 m
Status Active
Type of station http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/stationclassification/background
Type of area http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/areaclassification/suburban
Owner Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Measurement sites
Pollution Averaging time Type of measurement
Nitrogen dioxide (air) 24-hour daily
Ozone (air) 1-hour continuous (automatic)
Sulphur dioxide (air) 24-hour daily