Diabla Góra, Diabla Góra - Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection

Detailed information about the station: Diabla Góra , Diabla Góra

General information
Country code WmPuszczaBor
International code PL0005R
Zone strefa warmińsko-mazurska
Station name Diabla Góra, Puszcza Borecka
Address Diabla Góra , Diabla Góra
Wsp. WGS84 Φ 54.124819
λ 22.038056
Detailed information
Wsp. PUWG1992 x: 699874.38
y: 698458.29
Date of starting measurement Jan 1, 1994
Altitude 157 m
Status Active
Type of station http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/stationclassification/background
Type of area http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/areaclassification/rural
Owner Instytut Ochrony Środowiska – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Measurement sites
Pollution Averaging time Type of measurement
cadmium (tot_depos) month one per month
Cadmium in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
dibenzo(ah)anthracene (tot_depos) month one per month
Dibenzo(ah)anthracene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
mercury (tot_depos) month one per month
Total gaseous mercury (air+aerosol) 24-hour other
indeno_123cd_pyrene (tot_depos) month one per month
indeno_123cd_pyrene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
nickel (tot_depos) month one per month
Nickel in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Ozone (air) 1-hour continuous (automatic)
Lead in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Particulate matter < 10 µm (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Particulate matter < 2.5 µm (aerosol) 24-hour daily
arsenic (tot_depos) month one per month
Arsenic in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
benzo(a)anthracene (tot_depos) month one per month
Benzo(a)anthracene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
benzo(a)pyrene (tot_depos) month one per month
Benzo(a)pyrene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
benzo(b)fluoranthene (tot_depos) month one per month
Benzo(b)fluoranthene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
benzo(j)fluoranthene (tot_depos) month one per month
Benzo(j)fluoranthene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
benzo(k)fluoranthene (tot_depos) month one per month
Benzo(k)fluoranthene in PM10 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
potassium in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
sodium in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Ammonium in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Organic carbon in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Sulphur dioxide (air) 1-hour continuous (automatic)
Nitrogen oxides (air) 1-hour continuous (automatic)
Nitrogen monoxide (air) 1-hour continuous (automatic)
calcium in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
chloride in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
sulphate in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Nitrogen dioxide (air) 1-hour continuous (automatic)
Nitrate in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
magnesium in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Elemental carbon in PM2.5 (aerosol) 24-hour daily
Total gaseous mercury (air+aerosol) 1-hour continuous (automatic)